Maungārongo ki te whenua
Whakaaro2 pai e
Kingā tangata katoa
Ake ake, ake ake
Te Atua, te piringa,
Toku oranga
Honour, glory and
peace to the land
May good thoughts come
to all men
for ever and ever, for ever and ever.
The Lord is the refuge
and my life.
Guitar Chords
C He hōnore, he ko-Am-rōria Mau-F-ngārongo G ki te whe-C-nua Wha-C-ka-aro Am pai e Ki F ngā tanga-G-ta kato-C-a Ake G a-a-Am-ke, ake G a-a-Am-ke F Ā-ā-ā-mi-G-ne Te A-G-tu-u-Am-a, te pi-G-ri-i-Am-nga, F Toku G ora-C-nga |
Wow ... thanks to who-ever it was that has put in the guitar chords.